Monday 9 September 2013

Outside finishing

Finally, folks on the first floor can see some light at the end of the tunnel. As you can see here, the retaining walls on Sutton is going in, meaning those on the back and side of the building should maybe be able to use their porch area sometime in the next few weeks.

Also, those on the driveway will see an end to the piles of dirt and gravel outside their doors. Everyone else will be glad to see the end of the driveway mess as well I am sure. We are definitely getting there.

I expect we should start seeing hallways being finished with carpet and wallpaper.

Finally, I think we all need to start thinking security and making sure all the external doors are closed after 5pm so we use our keys to enter. Let's be proactive here. I am following up with building management to ensure the back door closes properly as it does stick and does not shut by itself.

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