Monday, 11 November 2013

Haven Board of Directors

Folks, this Wednesday at 7pm at Tansley Woods community center in Rooms 1&2, we will be given a chance to vote for our new Board of Directors. Three positions are open at this inaugural event and once completed we will begin to direct our own affairs.

Please either attend or send in your proxy as we MUST have a minimum of 25% of owners and/or mortgagees in order to have a quorum. If anyone needs a ride please feel free to let me know and I will see what can be done to get you there. As well, if you have misplaced the proxy form I am sure we can get you a new copy. There is only one per unit.

As you know, I am running for a position on the Board and will appreciate your vote. As well, three other owners are running  remember, there are only a total of three board positions at this time. Personally, I hope the new Board begins to initiate plans to have at least 5 Board members in total to more properly represent all of us. That would mean we will vote for three members next year again since one of the three elected this year will only have a 1 year term and will need to run again in 2014.

The others running include: Ryan Ahonen, Jeff Pierce and Gautam Patel.


On another related note, please do not post any form of notices or signs in the common areas. It is against the corporations policies. TAG will be instigating a bulletin board for us in the parking area lobby and that is the place for any election, parking or whatever notices you might have. (I erroneously received a cease and desist notice from TAG about notices that another person had posted which is how I learned of this policy).

Remember, Wednesday night is YOUR time to have a say and help begin our new journey as a community.


  1. The noise in this building is ridiculous. Between the heavy feet when walking, the surround sound tv's and loud music, and the sound of the washer and dryers being used truly interferes with my quality of living. Between the noise and the constant smell of pot it's not making haven an enjoyable place to live.

    1. Can you pinpoint which units the loud noise and pot smells are coming from?

  2. Hi Barry and whoever else can help me with this. I never received the proxy notice or a sheet so that I can make my vote. Due to being a shift worker I am unable to attend the meeting but I would like to have my vote. The day of for me is a little too late. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

  3. The pot smell is ridiculous on the second floor. The minute you get off the elevator you can smell it to the right of the elevator. The loud, unnecessary heavy feet is coming from the 3rd and the surround sound tv is coming from the 1st and second floor. Here it is 12:37 am I my floor, couch and wall is vibrating! Maybe a memo should be sent out to everyone- owners nd tenants

  4. Maybe we need onsite security? Our memos put out on our new bulletin boards and which noise levels and the unwanted smell of ILLEGAL DRUGS in our building. Pretty embarrassing and disgusting to have guests walk in the hallways and smelling pot. I didn't realise Haven was a frat house. Respect your neighbours and govern yourself accordingly. If this can't happen maybe we need Halton Police to enforce noise violations- as well as illegal drugs.

    1. Well said. The above is huge issues for us as well.

  5. Hopefully our new board of directors will rectify the noise and pot.
