Friday, 15 November 2013

Elections and Board Members

As many of you know the owners met on Wednesday the 13th at the Turnover meeting where we took over management of our building, along with the current building management team TAG.

Elections were held for the three Board positions. The first election was for owners occupying their units, followed by votes for the two remaining Board members by all eligible voters.

The elections results, and your new Board of Directors are:

Barry Lewis - elected to the three year term
Ryan Ahonen - elected to the two year term
Jeff Pearce  -elected to the one year term.

The three members elected among themselves to fill the following roles:

President - Barry
Treasurer - Ryan
Secretary - Jeff

These are all important positions and need us all, the Board members and the Owners, to act together in our collective best interests and according to the Condominium Act of Ontario 1998 and the Condominium Corporation Declaration and By-Laws.

An initial Board meeting will be held in the next few days with TAG management to begin the process of managing our building as owners.

Bulletin Board

You will notice that the Bulleting Board is up in the Parking lobby for resident and owner use.


  1. Now that the three elected members have been elected, can one of you please fix the drug use which stinks up the 2nd floor hallway as well the blaring tv (surround sound) which shakes thru the walls and my couch and interfers with our quality of living.

  2. For privacy and legal issues we will not publish any specific unit numbers, especially from anonymous sources. Contact TAG with concerns or indications of problems with specific units and they will follow up on it.
