Friday, 15 November 2013

Elections and Board Members

As many of you know the owners met on Wednesday the 13th at the Turnover meeting where we took over management of our building, along with the current building management team TAG.

Elections were held for the three Board positions. The first election was for owners occupying their units, followed by votes for the two remaining Board members by all eligible voters.

The elections results, and your new Board of Directors are:

Barry Lewis - elected to the three year term
Ryan Ahonen - elected to the two year term
Jeff Pearce  -elected to the one year term.

The three members elected among themselves to fill the following roles:

President - Barry
Treasurer - Ryan
Secretary - Jeff

These are all important positions and need us all, the Board members and the Owners, to act together in our collective best interests and according to the Condominium Act of Ontario 1998 and the Condominium Corporation Declaration and By-Laws.

An initial Board meeting will be held in the next few days with TAG management to begin the process of managing our building as owners.

Bulletin Board

You will notice that the Bulleting Board is up in the Parking lobby for resident and owner use.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Haven Board of Directors

Folks, this Wednesday at 7pm at Tansley Woods community center in Rooms 1&2, we will be given a chance to vote for our new Board of Directors. Three positions are open at this inaugural event and once completed we will begin to direct our own affairs.

Please either attend or send in your proxy as we MUST have a minimum of 25% of owners and/or mortgagees in order to have a quorum. If anyone needs a ride please feel free to let me know and I will see what can be done to get you there. As well, if you have misplaced the proxy form I am sure we can get you a new copy. There is only one per unit.

As you know, I am running for a position on the Board and will appreciate your vote. As well, three other owners are running  remember, there are only a total of three board positions at this time. Personally, I hope the new Board begins to initiate plans to have at least 5 Board members in total to more properly represent all of us. That would mean we will vote for three members next year again since one of the three elected this year will only have a 1 year term and will need to run again in 2014.

The others running include: Ryan Ahonen, Jeff Pierce and Gautam Patel.


On another related note, please do not post any form of notices or signs in the common areas. It is against the corporations policies. TAG will be instigating a bulletin board for us in the parking area lobby and that is the place for any election, parking or whatever notices you might have. (I erroneously received a cease and desist notice from TAG about notices that another person had posted which is how I learned of this policy).

Remember, Wednesday night is YOUR time to have a say and help begin our new journey as a community.