Monday, 17 February 2014

Garage Doors

We need to work together to make sure our garage doors close properly. There are a few door fobs that are not properly programmed according to maintenance folks, hence these few do not allow the door to close properly after they enter the garage.

In the last notice you received from TAG there was mention of the garage door fobs and what to do.

Please remember to check behind you to see if the doors are closing after you enter. They should close within a few minutes, if not then try and press the garage fob numerous times next time you enter and see if the doors close once you have entered.

If they still do not close then please contact TAG and get your fob replaced.

Working together we can reduce the times the doors stay open. Thanks


  1. I was wondering if there were others that are having problems with their hardwood flooring?
    I know some units have been repaired already,I am still waiting.
    Anyone else waiting?

  2. Ive noticed a small gap starting to appear between 2 floorboards running about 8 ft. I do have a humidifier running 24/7. Is this the type of issue going on?

  3. I haven't seen the door closed all week now, it has to be a better way to fix this problem. If you can't get the residents to work together to fix this out going problem, I am sure there is a better and easy way to solve this issue.

  4. Why is the garage door not closing? It has been not been closed at for 2 weeks now. The security isn't present at all in this building.

  5. TAG is working with the builder to try and get this fixed. As mentioned earlier if we could get everyone to use their fob multiple times or at least try and wait a few minutes after parking to see if the door closes, then we might get farther. Try and verify that your fob opens the door and CLOSES the door. As for security, I agree this is not optimal for our cars but remember the main doors into the building are locked (barring the one fire door that can stick open) and the garage entrance is easily visible to residents on the inside block so that limits it a bit.

  6. Well obviously many of the fobs aren't working. Plan A needs to go and plan B needs to go in motion. How long more do we need to have that garage door open 24 hours every day, over 2 weeks now I think we need to put a better solution to work.

  7. I agree, we need a fix to this - it will be brought up at the next board meeting to try to find another solution.

  8. When is the next board meeting? And do the residents included in the meeting?

  9. Hi Barry, I have concerns with those entry notices from the builder. They always send them out the day before. I work 5 days a week and don't feel comfortable of someone getting to my unit while I'm not there.
    They need to give enough time to make arrangements and also they need to detail what they want to do. For me this is a privacy and security violations that needs to be addressed.
    Please advise. Thanks

  10. This problem has been on going for many months. I cannot understand why this is taking so long to resolve. It sounds ridiculous when there are 3 of you on the board of directors you would think you could come up with a simple solution, rather than have this drag on. Also, why is there the memo board not being used to communicate with the owners...this seems like another loose end. This is not rocket science, may I suggest that each one of you on the board go door to door to check the fobs? Not everyone reads their mail or even cares about this security problem ...obviously!! I'm really starting to wonder what our maintenance fees are used for since the buiding is still not complete..the hallways are still not finished.! It would be really nice to not constantly be frustrated with our new home.

  11. The builder gives notice of entry according to the rules of the condo and cannot enter without that. You can contact TAG and ask them to ask New Horizons to provide you with additional notice I would imagine but it is typical that they enter during the day and it would be difficult to organize entry only when residents are home. As bonded people I believe the risk is extremely low of anything happening to your unit when they are entering.

  12. The garage door problem had been going on too long and your Board has been working hard with the builder to fix it. However it is a builder issue and they need to resolve it. Owners can certainly assist as per the recent letter by checking their fobs - it would take less than a minute to do. The board works hard as volunteers on their own time to make your condo work, resolve issues and manage building affairs and look to everyone to help out, not just the three board members. Going door to door is not really an effective solution - how would we know who is home at any given time, and how long would it take to go to each door, note who is home and who is not, collect a fob, go to the garage to check it, note if it works or not, and either return it or go to TAG to replace it. There are over 135 units.

    This building, like any other condo, requires everyone to work together to keep it clean, safe and a good place to live.

    A new building will always go through start up issues and working together we will get past them.

  13. Board meetings are held once each month at a date TAG and the Board agree to on based on all the individual schedules. Board meeting are not open to residents or owners to attend.
