Thursday, 25 July 2013

Fourth floor moves

My wife and I got our own call to schedule the PDI. So exciting, we cannot wait - next Friday

The fourth floor is starting to look finished with balconies starting to go up on the north end (our end) and in the inside of the north end. Moves should be also starting this week I imagine.  We are only 2 weeks away now.

You can see them going in below:


  1. I have a random and somewhat non important question that I thought of the other day and was hoping you may have seen something. I'm on the 4th floor, are there garbage chutes on each floor or do we need to carry it down with us?

  2. There is a garbage room on each floor at each end of the building where you will put your garbage. Building management will ensure that staff empty the room each day.

  3. Do we have a official postal code yet!

  4. I don't think they are emptying the garbage room on a daily basis. they really some air circulation in those room, it can very smelly at times.

  5. The latest postal code we have from post office is --
    L7L 0G8
