Thursday, 13 February 2020


It has been a while since I last blogged. Been busy at work and as a Board member.

The latest news is the condo is running well and settling in. The usual complaints from a few but overall its been going very well.

The big news, for me, is that I am no longer a Board member. Someone else was elected this past December at our 7th annual meeting. A few dissidents got together and voted in their friend. That's fine, it's what the elections are for and frankly, I was tired of all the complaining especially from those who never lifted a finger to help. Goes with the territory it seems, especially these days when folks are self absorbed and feel the world owes them everything and they need not abide by the rules (of society or a condo). Just look at the news.

I served with distinction, if I may say so, for 6 years leading the corporation through the trials and tribulations of any new building. In all those years I never missed a meeting and gave my all to ensure our building was well managed and steadily improved. Its nice to be able to sit back and let others take over.

Since the last post we have new BBQs on the roof, new Tables, outdoor areas improved and much more.

We are slowly moving to being a more green building with new Electric Vehicle decisions being made. The first EV is in place with agreements being formalized. Its something that enhances a condo and makes it more marketable while also helping the environment and anyone wanting an electric car.

More to come later perhaps. And welcome back.