Monday, 22 June 2020


Its common for everyone to complain about the condo fees. At our last AGM we had someone complain about how high they were - though they had just moved in (didn't they know what they were buying?) To that end, our fees are not excessively high, regardless of what those few complainers think. First, it is very hard to compare buildings and fees. How many units are there? How many amenities do they have? Do they have indoor/underground parking? Do they pay for your heat and air-conditioning? Water? etc

Gowling WLG law firm and did a survey Feb 2020 and provided some interesting results. I'll summarize here but go their website for details.

Age of Condo - our building is in the 2-10 years old category and is 14%. 11-20 year old buildings comprise 25% and interestingly, 24% are in the  31-40 year range.

Our building is the most common size in number of units (138) since 29% are in the 101-250 range. 22% are in the 51-100 range. Only 12% are bigger (251-500)

It's likely no surprise that most buildings are in the 11-25 floor range - 36%. In our size, its 19% (1-4 floors) while the intermediate 5 to 10 floors is 13%

30% of units include water, with 19% including hot water. only 14% include air conditioning (like we do) and 15% include heat (like we do)

70% have no EV charging. 6% have communal chargers and  24% have private stations.

Average fees are $0.66 in the GTA, and  $0.52 in the Golden horseshoe. Across all areas the average is $0.58

Interestingly, buildings less than 2 years old average fees of $0.46 while buildings our age, 2-10 years average $0.60 which is right around what we pay. Those less than two years old will still be playing catch-up from builders initially low balling fees to sell units - like our building back when it was built. However, overall buildings less than 5 floors average $0.54 but when you compare buildings with the number of units we have (138) those buildings (101-250 units) average $0.63
72.1% of the time, fees will increase each year with a large (31.8%) or Moderate (40.3%) increase. Only 9.8% stayed the same.

Some interesting Facts - to help dispel rumor, misunderstanding and ignorance.

Friday, 12 June 2020


The COVID 19 world is hard on us all. Social distancing and hand washing are becoming the norm. As seniors my wife and I use hand wipes on all surfaces as we cannot be certain other folks in the building - as in the world in general - are passing on the virus, unwittingly.

There have been two cases of confirmed Covid in the building and so it pays to be careful.

We can only hope it finally ends, either on its own or with a vaccine so we can begin to enjoy life again.

The rooftop re-opened at the beginning of May with social distancing so its nice to be able to BBQ again. Now if the gym can open for those rainy days....

As always, this is our building - all 138 owners and residents - so for that small group of complainers, lets have less bitching and complaining while sitting on your ass doing nothing and more action. How Can I Help - should be your first sentence, not You Aren't Doing Enough For Me (while I sit here doing nothing.)

Friday, 27 March 2020

Covid 19

These are trying times for everyone. This new virus means social distancing can be a challenge when you live in a condo (or apartment). We all need to do our best though to prevent the spread of Covid and to help keep others safe. Just because you are not sick doesn't mean you cannot potentially spread it to other more vulnerable residents.

The building is cleaning more regularly especially door handles etc to help prevent it but you can help by using gloves or a Kleenex when you take out your garbage or use the elevator or lockers.

 We all need to be part of the solution.

Stay safe, keep your distance and be considerate of your neighbors.


Thursday, 13 February 2020


It has been a while since I last blogged. Been busy at work and as a Board member.

The latest news is the condo is running well and settling in. The usual complaints from a few but overall its been going very well.

The big news, for me, is that I am no longer a Board member. Someone else was elected this past December at our 7th annual meeting. A few dissidents got together and voted in their friend. That's fine, it's what the elections are for and frankly, I was tired of all the complaining especially from those who never lifted a finger to help. Goes with the territory it seems, especially these days when folks are self absorbed and feel the world owes them everything and they need not abide by the rules (of society or a condo). Just look at the news.

I served with distinction, if I may say so, for 6 years leading the corporation through the trials and tribulations of any new building. In all those years I never missed a meeting and gave my all to ensure our building was well managed and steadily improved. Its nice to be able to sit back and let others take over.

Since the last post we have new BBQs on the roof, new Tables, outdoor areas improved and much more.

We are slowly moving to being a more green building with new Electric Vehicle decisions being made. The first EV is in place with agreements being formalized. Its something that enhances a condo and makes it more marketable while also helping the environment and anyone wanting an electric car.

More to come later perhaps. And welcome back.