Monday, 24 March 2014

Spring is coming? Hawks are stopping by

Saw a hawk perched on the light post outside my unit the other day. Grabbed my camera and managed a couple shots before it took off. I think it will be exciting time this spring (when it finally arrives) watching the birds on the pond.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Building Update

I have been away lot recently so the blog is a little behind.

We had a recent Owners meeting in the building where about 16 owners showed up to find out what is happening with the Performance Audit and Reserve Fund study. Basically, as required by the condo act, we are hiring an engineer to validate the builders work as well as determine our Reserve Funding for the next 25 to 30 years to help ensure we have enough funds to cover new roofs or other significant maintenance that will occur years form now. This study will be done my around August.

Spring (I hope) is finally coming so we should start seeing each other outside and on our balconies. Please get to know your neighbours and say hi. Also remember that throwing cigarettes, water or anything off your balcony is not permitted (in addition to not being nice for your neighbours). Check your condo papers for what is allowed on the balcony - no BBQs for instance or Cable antennae's/satellite receivers or storage items. Likewise, remember that sound travels even more so outside so respect your neighbours by keeping your noise within reason so as not to unduly disturb everyone nearby.

With the snow disappearing the garage entry will likely be dug up to fix the heating system in the driveway some time this spring and the outdoor lights will be repaired.